As we age, our complexion starts to lose its luster, suppleness, and elasticity. Wrinkles and lines replace the skin’s smooth surface, and this is largely due to the depletion of collagen levels.
Collagen is a natural fibrous protein that is found throughout the body, specifically in the skin, bones, and tendons. As our collagen breaks down, it causes the skin to lose its fibrous, bouncy spring.
That is why collagen injections are an excellent option for people who want to get back their youthful, smooth, tighter-looking skin. In this cosmetic procedure, a physician replenishes the collagen in the skin by injecting collagen into the problematic areas. The most popular use of collagen injection is for facial treatments.
How Can Collagen Injections Make Me Look Younger?
Being exposed to the sun’s harsh rays every day, feeling stressed out, and pollutants in the air all contribute to hastening the aging process of your skin. Having professional collagen injections into your skin can help accomplish many things, including the following:
- Erase Imperfections. Each smile or frown puts pressure and stress on the skin, leaving wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet on the surface of the epidermis. Collagen injections can erase all kinds of facial lines, clear up scarring, and minimize the deep folds on the face. All of this gives the complexion a smoother, younger-looking appearance.
- Plump Up Depleted Areas. Collagen can be used to enhance specific areas of the face and body. These injections can help to restore the plumpness of the lips, fullness of the cheeks, and smoothness of the back, neck, and chest. Many people have collagen injected into these areas to keep their bodies looking taut and firm.
- Contour the Face. Collagen injections can be combined safely with facelift procedures and other treatments to enhance the shape of the face.
- Achieve Immediate Results. After receiving a collagen injection, patients can quickly resume their regular daily activities. They can also expect quick results without much healing time.
- Improve Health. Collagen not only helps with wrinkles and fine lines, but it also improves and strengthens hair, nails, and teeth. It can also decrease joint pain and boost metabolism and digestion.
- Require Minimal Healing Time. Compared to traditional invasive facelift procedures, collagen injections involve much less pain and a much shorter healing time. Because it is a minimally invasive procedure, it does not entail much discomfort or bleeding.
- Foster Positive Self-Esteem. Aside from the obvious physical benefits, this cosmetic procedure also provides psychological benefits – including greater self-confidence and self-esteem – thanks to their improved appearance.
Collagen Injections in Houston, Texas
Look years younger by getting rid of those fine lines and restoring your smooth, supple skin. If you want to revitalize your skin’s luster, our medical specialists in Houston will help you determine the best treatment and help you look and feel your very best.
Contact our friendly staff at The Vein Institute & MediSpa today by calling us at (281) 312-0208 or schedule an appointment online now. We look forward to helping your complexion look brighter and younger again!